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Photo methods

Take a photo

  • Takes a photograph using the camera and saves it as a .jpg image.
  • Returns the filename of the image.
    filename: str | Path,
    gps_coordinates: tuple[tuple[float, float, float, float],
                     tuple[float, float, float, float]]
) -> str
Parameter Data type Default Compulsory? Description
filename str or Path None Yes A file name for a .jpg image. This can also be a path to a file as either a string or a Path object.
gps_coordinates tuple None No GPS coordinates to be associated with the image, specified as a (latitude, longitude) tuple where both latitude and longitude are themselves tuples of the form (sign, degrees, minutes, seconds). This format can be generated from the skyfield library's signed_dms function.

The image will be saved into the same folder as the Python script, unless a path is specified. In this example, the image will be saved into a photos folder.


This method can also be called as capture_image() and will behave in exactly the same way.


Capture a timelapse sequence

  • Take a sequence of num_images with a gap of interval between each one, and save them as filename with an auto-number.
  • Optionally, make_video using all of the images.
  • All images will be in .jpg format and video in .mp4 format.
    filename: str | Path,
    num_images: int,
    interval: int,
    make_video: bool
) -> None
Parameter Data type Default Compulsory? Description
filename str or Path None Yes A file name for a .jpg image. This can also be a path to a file as either a string or a Path object.
num_images int 10 No How many images to take.
interval int 1 No How long to wait in between each image, in seconds.
make_video bool False No Whether to make a .mp4 video of the images.

It may not be possible for the Raspberry Pi to capture images at the exact interval specified, particularly if the interval value is small.


This will take a sequence of 12 images, with 2 seconds between images, and then make a timelapse video of the images. The video will be called mysequence.mp4.

cam.capture_sequence("mysequence.jpg", 12, 2, True)

This method can also be called as take_sequence() and will behave in exactly the same way.

cam.take_sequence("mysequence.jpg", 12, 2, True)

Add an image overlay

  • Add an image on top of the preview and to still images captured by the camera.
  • Does not overlay the image on video.
    image_path: str,
    position: tuple,
    transparency: float
) -> None
Parameter Data type Default Compulsory? Description
image_path str - Yes The path to an image to use as the overlay. The image must be in PNG, JPG/JPEG or BMP format.
position tuple (0,0) No A tuple of x,y coordinates for the position of the top left corner of the image.
transparency float 0.5 No How transparent the image should be. This can be any value between 0 (completely transparent) and 1 (completely opaque).



Assuming the file logo.gif exists and is in the same folder as the Python script, this code will add an overlay to previews and images taken with the camera.

Add a text annotation

Adds a text annotation to the preview and to still images captured by the camera. Does not annotate video.

    text: str,
    font: str,
    color: str/tuple,
    scale: int,
    thickness: int,
    position: tuple,
    bgcolor: tuple,
) -> None
Parameter Data type Default Compulsory? Description
text str "Default Text" No The text to overlay on the image/preview.
font str "plain1" No The font to use. Available fonts are: plain1, plain2, plain-small, serif1,serif2, serif-small, handwriting1, handwriting2
color str/tuple "white" No A colour in RGBA, hex or color string format. (See the colors documentation for more details.)
scale int 3 No The base size of the font will be multiplied by this number, for example a value of 2 will make it twice as large.
thickness int 3 No The thickness of the lines used in the font, measured in px. The value must be between 1 and 10.
position tuple (0, 0) No A pair of x, y coordinates for the top left corner of the text.
bgcolor tuple None No A colour in RGBA, hex or color string format. (See the colors documentation for more details.)
cam.annotate(text="London", font="handwriting1", color="#0099FF")

Lego set for London with blue text 'London' in top left corner

This will add an annotation to the preview and to any images captured. The annotation may look larger on the preview than captured images due to the resolution difference.

Capture an image as a numpy array

  • Takes a photo at full resolution and saves it as an (RGB) numpy array.
  • This can be used in further processing using libraries like opencv.
capture_array() -> np.ndarray


numpy_img = cam.capture_array()

This will capture a numpy array and save it as numpy_img for further processing.